
About Us

  • Strict Quality Practices

  • New Advanced Instruments

  • Customized Lab Solutions

Manufacturer and Trader Speciality Textile Auxillary Chemicals

" N S Chemicals & Consultants Pvt Ltd" is a Pvt Ltd, company with its headquarter in Mumbai, Maharashtra, with well-equipped facilities of machinery and personnel. From 1982 it is engaged in the field of Manufacturering and Trading and offers a complete selection of textile Chemicals like Cleaning Off Agent, Wetting Agents, Levelling agents and other products. The focus of our company is on advancing the company to tomorrow, and that's why we are committed to excellence and strive to implement innovative ideas to build a company that will be a leader in the future. We constantly strive to enhance and develop our abilities through periodic seminars on current and advanced methods.


Our Mission

A mission statement is defined as an action-based statement that declares the purpose of an organization and how they serve their customers.


Our Vision

Having a vision will give your business a clear focus, and can stop you heading in the wrong direction.


Our Core Values

company core values are the clearly stated principles about the organization's vision, mission, and principles.
